The latest from the NextGen team
Stay up to date with the latest NextGen news, updates from our team, help on injury prevention & exercise tips.
Movement Control
Movement ControlMovement Control Injury often causes us to compensate with alternative ways of moving to avoid pain. This is very understandable in an effort to just ‘get on with life’ despite the short term disruption of injury. However, when the original injury...
10 Minute Burpee Challenge
Burpee Challenge Break Down with Tom What Tom Learnt Doing Max Burpees in 10 Minutes Straight At the start of this year we really wanted to showcase some awesome small/local businesses around Newcastle that we love and are fantastic at what they do, giving rise...
Are Your Muscles Actually Tight?
Are Your Muscles Actually Tight?Are Your Muscles Actually Tight? When a muscle feels tight, most people assume that it’s because the muscle is short and therefore stretching that muscle to make it longer will be the solution. However, most soon realise that...
Dad Hacks with Mikka
Dad Hacks with MikkaDad Life Hacks with Mikka I am now 7 months into life with my favourite little man Harry, and I thought I’d share a few things I’ve learnt along the way. Share the Load Posture gets a bad wrap in my opinion but when you are holding kids in...
Headaches with Dave
Are You Experiencing Headaches?Headache's with Dave Headaches can occur for a number of reasons, but some of these can be treated by a Physiotherapist or the cause of the headache can be determined by a therapist. Posture: Related to mood, set up,...
How Strong Are You?
Tom, Caitlin and Zac find out just how Strong they are when they attended a class at Strong Broadmeadow. Head to the blog to find out more!
Bone Stress Injuries in Runners x Achieve Podiatry
Bone Stress Injuries in Runners x Achieve PodiatryAre you an avid runner? Chances are you’ve heard of a bone stress injury and questioned what it is, how it occurs, and how to prevent it. What is it A bone stress injury is a maladaptive process resulting in the...
What We Think Women Need To Know During and After Pregnancy
What We Think Women Need To Know During and After PregnancyWhat is our Pelvic Floor and what has it ever done for me? The pelvic floor muscles from the base of our ‘core’. These muscles work with the stomach muscles, back muscles and the diaphragm to support...