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3 (Simple) Tips To Fix Your Plantar Fasciitis/Heel Pain!
3 (Simple) Tips To Fix Your Plantar Fasciitis/Heel Pain! 3 (Simple) Tips To Fix Your Plantar Fasciitis/Heel Pain! Its experienced by literally 1000’s of Australian’s every day. You wake up with intense/stabbing We see this in our practice ALL the time. Its a very...
So you are in the swing of things, but your ACHILLES is sore …
So you are in the swing of things, but your ACHILLES is sore … So you are in the swing of things, but your ACHILLES is sore… Suns out, weather is cranking and the beach is calling us BUT the all too familiar thoughts .. “man, I need to get in shape” ripple through our...
Awesome stretch to prevent injuries in cricketers!!
Awesome stretch to prevent injuries in cricketers!! Awesome stretch to prevent injuries in cricketers!! The “bretzel” is an amazing all in one stretch for the hips and spine. Bang for your buck time wise .. this one is amazing! Check it out, perform the stretch for 2...
Some info about ankle sprains …
Some info about ankle sprains ... Some info about ankle sprains .. Ankle injuries seem like a really straight forward injury to manage because they are SO common but in reality they are often managed very poorly. It’s super important to get in to see your...
Set up your desk perfectly!!!
Set up your desk perfectly!!! Set up your desk perfectly!!! LETS GET NERDY!!! We know that sitting is realll bad for us (and we talk about how important it is to get up and move as often as you can) BUT we understand how common it is, how many people have desk based...
Sleep … and nice weather!
Sleep ... and nice weather! Sleep .. and nice weather! A word from Next-Gen Physio … taken directly from our awesome 3 weekly email we send off to our whole database of patients .. just a few musings! Get more sleep! This is Ed, one of our physio’s, completely kitted...
F45 and injury prevention. You MUST do these, the big 3!
F45 and injury prevention. You MUST do these, the big 3! F45 and injury prevention. You MUST do these, the big 3! The very nature of F45 is to squeeze as much intensity into a 45 minute session as possible and in turn, produce the greatest results. F45 is also known...
Athletic Development
Athletic Development Athletic Development Next-Gen’s, Tom, Meaghan and myself, were fortunate enough to attend an athletic development workshop with Christian Woodford from Woodford Sports Science Consulting. The topic of the workshop was athlete development; general...